Thursday, September 16

1. Blondt hår. ✔
2. Fete briller. ✔
...jeg kan hverken spille piano eller synge da.

1 comment:

  1. Lady Gaga is completely whorizontal now, dear, as she will croak. You shall, too. If you dont wanna be in the Abyss o'Misery, ya best follow us to Seventh-Heaven. I totally dont wanna lose you... yet, we shall if you continue to the whorizontal filth of Lady Gaga. Wanna do it? Wanna wiseabove to the Great Beyond in spirit while on this fast erroding planet?? Follow us...

    To be saved from Hellfire:
    1. You gotta love God first...
    2. You gotta love everyone else.
    That's it!
    that's all!!

    trustNjesus, baby doll.
    God bless your indelible soul.
    cya soon Upstairs...


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