Monday, April 13

Oslo: 4 am

Don't talk to me. Don't touch me. Don't look at me. Stop breathing. Fuck off. Die.

Sunday, April 12

I got raped cuz I was wearing a Kate Moss t-shirt

My plan didn't work. Luna park. Pills & beer. Damn. Met some cute blog-kids. Saw Ida drinking beer with a straw. Kate Moss shirt and some old dude with Cava. Karaoke Trond & my sweet twin-sister.
Hangover. Phone is off. TV & RedBull.
I hate holidays. Need to get back to school.

Dont mix pills and alcohol kids.

Friday, April 10

I miss my baby brother

Isn't he the cutest ever! I love love love him! Don't you just want to pinch his pink cheeks. I just found this picture on the internet. Can't wait to go to Stavanger and visit him. I just want to kill the photographer that took this picture. Focus asshole! Focus!

Thursday, April 9

Monday, April 6

Chris. Chris? CHRIS?!?!?!

Hvorfor er det slik at hver gang jeg snakker med deg, har jeg lyst til å bli blodgiver...og ringe mamma.

Saturday, April 4

I only date models
...drunk, blond, young, slutty models

Fuck me gorgeous!