Thursday, October 23

i love you

The lie was big, it was simple. I kept saying it, and believed me.

Wednesday, October 22

Det eg trur på kan de aldri ta meg i frå!

Hels frå meg til presten, sei nå er eg blitt kristen.
En del av den prosessen tok livet av meg nesten.
Det eg trur på kan de aldri ta meg i frå...

don't get too drunk to fuck

Friday, October 10


Monday, October 6

I miss the feeling of independence...

it's only physical

...need you, dream you, find you, taste you, fuck you, use you, scar you, break you.

Friday, October 3

I am alone but then again I always was, as far back as I can tell. I think maybe it's because you were never really real to begin with.
I just made you up to hurt my self.
...and it worked

Inside my heart it is black and it's hollow and cold

...but I can't escape the rain