Wednesday, April 16

Look at me! Look at me! I'm smooooooking!

Ida 'n me found some Cuban cigars...
So we tried to smoke one...
I fucking hate cigars, pointless waste of time.
I guess only Castro knows how to make it look attractive.

Today is 15th of April

...freezing my nips off out here

Monday, April 7

Die another day

I hope I don't die from my bronchitis, that would be fucking sad. I can't even walk up the stairs without loosing my breath, but hey, I'm still breathing! Can you die from insomnia? I feel like a freakin' hypochondriac or something.

My smoking doesn't go over at all...

I'm in pain. I went to the doctor and asked him to make this stop. Got medication, a new addiction. Fucking thanks alot.

I hate pills...

Kraft durch Freude


Sunday, April 6

Uhuh! Shut up!

Oops I did it again

Look at the time... It's fucking 7 AM. What is wrong with me?
Holy shit, this sucks big time. Today was going to be a fun day, not "I'm so fucking tired, don't talk to me" day. That's how I feel lately. Maybe it's my bronchitis, maybe it's my insomnia, maybe it's just me making stuff up to avoid outside-world-contact. I feel sick, feel like puking all over the keyboard.

God I'm so tired of my own bitchin'...I guess it means over and out. I'm taking a morphine overdose, so I hope it means Good Night Sleep for me, I really hope so. We'll see. Night.

Saturday, April 5

Fuck You You Fucking F***

I'm in pain. It's Saturday night and I'm not allowed to go out. I'm feeling better then I did yesterday, but still. I don't cough anymore, good sign I guess. Fuck!I need fresh air! I hate being sick! This must be a punishment! God dammit!Fuck you all healthy bitches, I'm gonna take my morphine, smoke my last cigarette and go to sleep! Suck on that you whores!!!



Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and the lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthih porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe

Friday, April 4

Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин

Long live Stalinism!


As you all know I have a younger brother, Daniel. He is 1994 November kid and lives with his/my mother in Stavanger. Even though our parents always made him wear my old clothes and play with my old toys, he is nothing like me. He is a identical copy of his/my mother! But I love him, of course most of the time I would like to cause him unbearable pain, but I still love him, my baby brother! <3

Here is an original picture of me and a copy by Daniel. What
you think?
(Notice: The same walkman, different headphones, my are waaay cooler!)

Believe me now?

I really do have insomnia!
Seriously! Look at the time!
I need to sleep! I cannot sleep...

Can you die from insomnia?
...I need a cigarette! NOW!

I miss my daddy

My daddy is cuter then your daddy!
(Except from Ida-Sofies daddy, cuz he is pretty cute too)

Do I have his eyes?
Do I have his way with words?
Do I look like him at all?

I want to be a vampire

Vile, foul, filthy and greedy. This creature knows nothing of light.

Thursday, April 3

90's Kids

You know you are the Kid of 90's when:
  • You remember the craze of yo-yos and Tamagotchi's
  • You played/or collected pogs
  • You watch the original Postman Pat, Fireman Sam and Ninja Turtles
  • You wore transfer tatoos
  • You took plastik cartoon lunch boxes to school
  • You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince Of BelAir"
  • You have been/are still obsessed with pokémon

I'm a personal space invader

This is what I have:
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the large bronchi (medium-size airways) in the lungs. It can lead to pneumonia. Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses or bacteria and may last several days or weeks. Acute bronchitis is characterized by cough and sputum (phlegm) production and symptoms related to the obstruction of the airways by the inflamed airways and the phlegm, such as shortness of breath and wheezing. Diagnosis is by clinical examination and sometimes microbiological examination of the phlegm.

This is what I'm taking:
Phenoxymethylpenicillin 660mg
Cosylan (Etylmorph. hydrochlorid) 30ml
CuraMed C-vitamin 19mg & Colostrum 39mg

This is how I feel: